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What Are The Differences Between Extruded And Cast Aluminum?
11 Jul, 2023

What Are The Differences Between Extruded And Cast Aluminum?

When it comes to aluminum, two common manufacturing processes are widely used: extrusion and casting. Each method has its distinct characteristics, advantages, and applications. However, what are the differences between them? Continue reading to learn more.

Manufacturing Process

Extrusion and casting employ different manufacturing processes to shape aluminum into usable forms:


Extrusion involves pushing aluminum billets or logs through a shaped die under high pressure. The process transforms the material into long, continuous profiles with a consistent cross-section. This method is ideal for creating complex shapes with uniformity, such as tubes, angles, channels, and beams.

To begin the extrusion process, the aluminum billets are heated to a certain temperature to make them more pliable. The billets are then put into a "container," which transports the material to the extrusion press. The billets are forced through a die within the press, which imposes the appropriate form onto the aluminum. After cooling, the extruded profiles are trimmed to the required length.

Aluminum Extruded Profile

Aluminum Extruded Profile


Casting, on the other hand, involves melting aluminum and pouring it into a mold, where it cools and solidifies into the desired shape. Cast aluminum allows you more creative freedom and is ideal for complicated and custom-made goods.

The casting process begins with the fabrication of a mold, which can be formed of a variety of materials, including steel or sand. The mold is normally formed in two sections that are joined to produce a cavity. The cavity is then filled with molten metal poured into the mold. The mold is opened and the cast aluminum portion is removed once the aluminum has cooled and solidified. This method enables the fabrication of complicated forms and fine detailing.

Building Aluminium Extrusion

Building Aluminium Extrusion


Extruded aluminum profiles have higher tensile strength compared to cast aluminum. The extrusion process aligns the grain structure, resulting in improved strength and durability. Extrusions are often utilized in high-strength load-bearing applications like as structural components for buildings and car chassis.

Cast aluminum possesses excellent compressive strength but relatively lower tensile strength. Cast parts are appropriate for applications characterized by compressive forces, such as engine blocks, ornamental components, and artistic sculptures.

The cooling process during casting allows for the formation of various sizes and shapes of crystals, resulting in a coarser and less uniform grain structure. Cast aluminum has a higher compressive strength due to this microstructure, making it suited for applications that need the capacity to endure compression pressures.

Rate Of Production

The production rate varies between extrusion and casting, impacting the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of each method.

Extrusion offers high production rates, allowing for the rapid creation of long profiles. The continuous nature of the process ensures a consistent output, making it suitable for large-scale manufacturing.

Casting generally has a slower production rate compared to extrusion. Making molds, melting aluminum, and giving enough time for solidification are all part of the process. However, casting offers versatility and customization options that may compensate for the slower production rate in certain applications.

Heat Sink Aluminium Profile

Heat Sink Aluminium Profile


The cost of extruded and cast aluminum can vary based on factors such as design complexity, production volume, and material waste:

The initial tooling costs for extrusion can be relatively high since specialized dies need to be created for each profile shape. However, once the dies are manufactured and installed, they can be used repeatedly for producing large volumes of extruded profiles, resulting in economies of scale. When creating uniform profiles in large quantities, the high-speed aspect of extrusion helps to cost-effectiveness.

Casting often has lower tooling costs than extrusion since molds are less expensive to create. However, the cost per unit may be higher due to the time-consuming nature of casting for complex shapes or smaller production runs.


The differences between extruded and cast aluminum are significant, making each method suitable for specific applications. Besides, if you are looking for a new extruded aluminum for your project, XIANGZHEN is your great choice. Contact us for more product details!

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